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We are currently recruiting ... 


Time for God is an exciting international charity that has been at work for over 50 years, providing quality volunteering opportunities for young people to embark upon a year of Christian service. Our tag line is ‘Time for God changes lives’; as we have seen this to be true, both for the placements and the communities, and the volunteers themselves. More about our work can be seen at


We are currently seeking to develop and expand our board and are interested in meeting anyone who may have the interest and qualities to join us as a Trustee or Treasurer


We are seeking those with either specific experience of HR, Finance and Development/Fundraising, or those with more general skills and interests that might be a complement to our current board. To this end, we would like to invite you to our New Trustees Exploration event to find out more and explore whether this might be the right opportunity for you.


The meeting will be held on Tuesday 19th January, from 6-7pm on MS Teams. It will give an opportunity for you to hear more from our Director and staff members, as well as our Chairperson and other members of the Trustee board. We hope this will help you to explore who TfG are, what trusteeship looks like, and whether you might have the skills, energy, personal faith and time to commit to joining us on our board.


You may also be interested to see the attached Job Description for the role of trustee. This is intended to be an illustrative but non-exhaustive list of some of the personal qualities and skills the role requires, but we hope you will join us in January where these things will be brought to life and set in context. We have also included an additional Job Description for the role of Treasurer due to the specificity of the role. If you agree that this is an exciting opportunity for you to contribute to, and be influential in, the future of Time For God and that you will want to attend. We would be grateful if you could confirm attendance by Friday 15th January if possible by emailing Chloe Lewis from our board of Trustees, at

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